
We stock a variety of water tanks

At Heunis Steel, our water tank range are available in the following standard sizes; • 2500 litres • 5000 litres • 10 000 litres Looking to customize your tank capacity? You can always request for a tank to be made according to your own specifications. View our water tank range for more detail or contact our sales team to discuss your tank requirements. ...
Published - 26/06/2023

Why choose Heunis Steel for your home?

We have many years of expertise in rainwater goods, roof sheeting and ceiling products. We are committed to service excellence in supplying the most durable rainwater goods at affordable prices. We are determined to build awareness of the importance of rainwater goods in the protection of, what is to many people their most valuable and costly asset, their home. ...
Published - 31/05/2023

Are ready for watershedding?

Droughts and water restrictions have become a normal part of life, it is no secret that we’re on the brink of a water crisis; there’s never been a better time to explore means of reducing our main water intake, and the good news is, Heunis Steel has the solution for you!   ...
Published - 31/05/2023

Why choose our steel water tanks as a solution to water shedding

Steel water tanks are built to withstand the elements. It is likely for water tanks that are made of other materials to crack or break over time. On the other hand, galvanised steel water tanks will not crack or brake due to the fact that our galvanised steel water tanks are constructed from high quality materials. Store your water in a sustainable solution! ...
Published - 31/05/2023

We have a strong commitment to environmental sustainability

Industrialized nations, economies, multi-national and local corporations are expected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse emissions are a major cause of global warming and are made up of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. Environmental sustainability initiatives is what businesses should implement to counteract the ongoing and inevitable climate change. Heunis Steel’s commitment to our planet is non-negotiable because our future generations should inherit only the best from us, to make their lives richer and healthier. We have a strong commitment to environmental sustainabil...
Published - 31/05/2023

We are only a finger tip away

Connect with us via our social media platforms for an opportunity to interact and engage about the products and solutions we have for you in real-time. Engaging with us will facilitate a highly-targeted and relevant solutions and fresh idea sharing for all your rainwater, ceiling and roof sheeting needs. ...
Published - 31/05/2023

We appreciate you

To our valued customer, we appreciate your business, and your support means everything to us. Thank you for choosing Heunis! ...
Published - 31/05/2023

Long term cost effective solutions to 'water shedding'

At first any type of storage container will cost you money. Spend your money wisely by making an investment in a galvanized steel water tank that will serve you for a long time. How will you save money in the long run? • Various applications • Low maintenance • Longevity and durability makes it a long term investment   ...
Published - 31/05/2023

Talk to an expert

Whether you have queries about our product or just need expert help with your rainwater solutions, reach out to us and consult with our product experts. Our product experts have years of experience supporting product applications and development. ...
Published - 31/05/2023

Cleaning your gutters and downpipes

All sorts of debris can find its way into your gutters, especially leaves from nearby trees. It’s recommended that you clear your gutters at least twice a year. Towards the end of autumn is a particularly sensible time to do it, since that’s when most trees have shed their leaves for the year. You can clear your gutters by hand, simply by using a ladder to move along the roof line and remove debris as you go. Alternatively, you can even install gutter guards that prevent larger debris from getting into your gutters in the first place. ...
Published - 31/05/2023

Our vision

Heunis is committed to be the most reliable, cost-effective tailored solutions, and customer focused supplier in the markets we serve ...
Published - 31/05/2023

Galvanised steel tank, a sustainable solution to 'water shedding'

Galvanised steel tanks can be used to store water for just about any purpose. Meaning, no matter your reason for wanting to use all that rainwater, you’ll be able to store it. Galvanised steel water tanks are not high maintenance. Over time other materials are prone to deteriorate and you would need to spend lots of money on repairs. You could even end up replacing the tank body. ...
Published - 31/05/2023

Building a strong working relationship

Here at Heunis Steel we value relationships, our aim is to establish meaningful connections with others. Over the years, we have invested in building strong professional working relationships with our partners, focusing on mutual respect, honesty and ethical relationship value and not transactional value. ...
Published - 31/05/2023

We Have The A Team!

Heunis Steel has 125 employees who are experts in their fields. Our dedicated and loyal team is treated as the most valued asset of the company. The staff at Heunis Steel is trained in-house on an ongoing basis to ensure proper skills development and upliftment. ...
Published - 28/03/2023

Always Close To The Customer

Service excellence is our corner stone for our business, we ensure that our clients are happy at all times. From pre-sales to delivery, up to after-sales, the customer is always at the center of our attention, with an approach that favours direct contact and interpersonal relationships. ...
Published - 28/03/2023

Your Next Project Awaits

Our efficient distribution network ensures prompt deliveries to all our customers located nationally as well as the neighbouring countries, including Lesotho, Botswana and Swaziland and Namibia. Contact Heunis today to order your rainwater goods, roofing products and ceiling products. ...
Published - 28/03/2023

Customer At The Centre

The Heunis Steel team understands the important role our customers play in the success of the company and are therefore focused on delivering the highest quality products backed by professional and efficient service to our valued customers at all times. Customer satisfaction is our top priority, which is why we choose to build long-lasting customer relationships with all our customers in South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland, Botswana and Namibia. ...
Published - 28/03/2023

Why choose Heunis Steel?

We have many years of expertise in the rainwater goods. We are committed to service excellence in supplying the most durable rainwater goods at affordable prices. We are determined to build awareness of the importance of rainwater goods in the protection of what is to many people their most valuable and costly asset, their home. ...
Published - 28/03/2023

Delivery Efficiency

Offering a great customer experience means running an efficient delivery operation. An efficient delivery service is vital to the success of any business. Our ever-improving delivery efficiency has allowed us to meet deliveries on time. ...
Published - 28/03/2023

Interesting Fact: Owing A Water Tank Can Help You Save Money By Reducing Your Water Bill

Water is not getting any cheaper. Along with ageing infrastructure and uncertain rainfall it may be prudent to invest in onsite storage as a means of combating future water price increases. ...
Published - 28/03/2023

Roofing Products Roofing Products
  • Roofsheeting
  • Ridging
  • Roof Fascia
  • Accessories
Rainwater Goods Rainwater Goods
  • Gutters
  • Downpipes
  • Gutter Brackets
  • Holderbats
Ceiling Products Ceiling Products
  • Jointing Strips
  • Trap Door & Frames
  • Fascia Jointers
  • Barge Board Jointers
Budget Range Budget Range
  • Downpipes
  • Offsets
  • Ridging
  • Outlets
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
  • Water Tanks
  • Flatsheets
  • Hoop Irons
  • Accessories
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